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  • Writer's pictureJesus Diaz

Scent Log

Updated: May 14, 2019

pineapple and coconut scented candle- evokes comfort and reminds me of home

Patchouli Incense- this relaxes and reminds me of my friend Ammen.

wet asphalt- this scent reminds me of when I used to play on an asphalt basketball court as a little kid in elementary school.

charcoal- this scent evokes happiness and reminds me of my childhood

fresh laundry- this smell makes me happy becuase it makes me remember when my mom used to wash my clothes as a young child.

old borrowed library book- this nostalgic scent evokes emotions of the happiness that I associate with reading.

leather belt- this reminds me of my dad becuase he always wears leather belts to work.

acrylic paint- this scent gives me a headache😕

wood chips- Im reminded of the days that I spent as a child in my garage working with my dad on shaping paipo boards.

plumeria lei- this scent evokes sadness becuase I’m reminded of my late great grandma that used to make leis for me.

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